Student Lettings

Statistics show that the total number of international students in the UK is 679,970 as of 2021/2022. As of 2021/22, a total of 559,825 students are currently in the UK to pursue their qualifications from countries outside of the European Union. – int. student data

Are you a foreign student coming to the UK?

You have come to the right place for your accommodation needs.
We and our partners have properties in the major cities of the United Kingdom and our system is quite easy, all you need do is to complete the form below to get going.

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Please use this space to tell us about yourself
WhatsApp is preferred.
To give you a matching property, please give more than one choices – e.g London NW1, London East, Luton etc
To give you an even closer match
Type of accommodation
You may give indication of number of rooms in the about you box
This is not a free service, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions by clicking the box below.

Next Step >>> We shall be contacting you by Email and/or Phone.
